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Archive for October 2016


Jerangkang Waterfall

Jerangkang Waterfall makes up a gorgeous series of cascades and turquoise pools that, in my opinion, is far more worthwhile than its nearby sibling, Berkelah Waterfall. Although you will find huge crowds at the lower levels of both waterfalls, the upper levels of Jerangkang seem to be relatively devoid of people and as such, are far cleaner. Before we go on, please jot down the numbers that are listed below. If you
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Waterfalls of Malaysia

Here is a little list of waterfalls in Malaysia that require some form of hiking to get to (with a difficulty rating of 1.8 or more). The difficulties are listed next to the names and can range from short, hour-long walks, to strenuous, multi-day hikes. The relative inaccessibility of these waterfalls helps to thin out the weekend crowds a little, and gives you a little bit of space for yourself. It will also spare you from the mounds
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