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Archive for January 2013


Computer controlled OTA and DSLR

I obtained a Rich-Field Refractor with an aperture of 150mm and a focal length of 750mm along with a iOptron MiniTower mount that wasn't in what you would call 'perfect working condition' some time ago and this post documents how I went about restoring it. Issue #1 : Issues with the GoToNova hand controller that is supplied with the MiniTower. Red backlight on the screen remains on but the information that is Read more
January 1, 2013 Posted by Ramon in Gear

Kindle e-Book Reader

I became interested in the Kindle on one of my solo backpacking trips after chancing upon a fellow backpacker that raved about the one he owned (Kindle 3). He had been traveling for half a year and insisted that the Kindle was one of the best things that he could have brought along with him. Fortunately for me, shortly after Amazon launched their new generation of Kindle eBook readers including a touch screen Read more