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ACT Day 10 - Tilicho Lake

The mist that was interspersed with bouts of drizzle permeated the morning air. We had a lot of time to play around with that day and so decided to wait until the drizzle ceased before beginning the hike to Tilicho Lake (elevation : 4920 m). As such, we leisurely ate breakfast, which was jam and pancake that had been deep fried for some reason. We also ordered tibetan bread to take-away for lunch later on. By the time Read more

ABC Day 01 – Pokhara

After the 6 hour- and 200 kilometre-long near-death experience on the Prithvi Highway from Kathmandu to Pokhara the day before, I was very glad to still be able to walk around the roads of Pokhara. We had managed to secure a few empty seats in a friend's private coach before it had left Kathmandu, but doing so meant that we had to endure the crazy traffic that swerved in and out in order to overtake each other, Read more

Nuuksio National Park

The landscape of Nuuksio National Park is classically Finnish: numerous lakes dot the landscape, all of which are completely engulfed by conifer forests (Division: Pinophyta). These forests, which top the gentle glacier-carved hills, are cool and damp and are mostly made up of evergreen spruce (Picea sp.) and pine (Pinus sp.), both of which are well-adapted to the cold climate--they are more resistant to freezing than Read more

Galtee Loop

The Galtees are the highest inland mountain range in Ireland, and can be seen from afar as you travel between Cork and Dublin. The range seems to suddenly rise up from the surrounding plains, from almost sea level to just over 900-metres high. The highest mountain is Galtymore (elevation : 919 m), which is Ireland's 14th highest, and just manages to make the list of 'furths'. The hike up to the Galtees will Read more

Ijen Crater

It was still very early in the morning when I clambered into the sweltering bus that was heading to Banyuwangi from the Ubung bus terminal in Bali. Still bleary-eyed from the lack of sleep, I paid the IDR850k for the bus ticket - a rate that seems to have been standardised amongst all the bus services, and included the cost of the ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang - and squeezed my way through the narrow rows trying Read more

Western Arthur Range

The Western Arthur Range lies in South-West National park, in south-west Tasmania, and is one of the most dramatic mountain ridges in the whole of Australia. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its glaciated landscapes, jagged quartzite crags, spectacular lakes (approximately 30 of them, and along with the peaks and ridges, were named after celestial objects), unpredictable and violent Read more