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Class 1


Pisang Waterfall

The hike to Pisang waterfall is a quick and easy excursion that is not too far from the centre of Kuala Lumpur. The hike follows the Pisang river and as a result, has almost no elevation gain. This makes it perfect for beginner hikers or just for those who are looking for an easy weekend getaway. Its accessibility does unfortunately mean that the number of people that are likely to be encountered will be higher than Read more

Chiling Waterfall

Chiling Fish Sanctuary was established by the Selangor Fisheries Department in 2005 in order to create a protected area for several species of carps (family Cyprinidae), including the Malayan mahseer (Tor tambroides), known as 'Ikan Kelah' in Malay, and the near-threatened Copper mahseer (Neolissochilus hexagonolepis), or 'Ikan Tengas'. Both these fish fetch very high market prices (the 'Empurau' for instance Read more

Komodo Island

The volcanic island of Komodo (along with Padar, Rinca and an archipelago of smaller islands) is a part of Komodo National Park, an area that was founded in 1980 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991. The national park was formed to protect, and is an eponym of, its most famous denizen--the mighty Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the world's largest and most dangerous lizard. The islands are Read more

Nuuksio National Park

The landscape of Nuuksio National Park is classically Finnish: numerous lakes dot the landscape, all of which are completely engulfed by conifer forests (Division: Pinophyta). These forests, which top the gentle glacier-carved hills, are cool and damp and are mostly made up of evergreen spruce (Picea sp.) and pine (Pinus sp.), both of which are well-adapted to the cold climate--they are more resistant to freezing than Read more

Jerangkang Waterfall

Jerangkang Waterfall makes up a gorgeous series of cascades and turquoise pools that, in my opinion, is far more worthwhile than its nearby sibling, Berkelah Waterfall. Although you will find huge crowds at the lower levels of both waterfalls, the upper levels of Jerangkang seem to be relatively devoid of people and as such, are far cleaner. Before we go on, please jot down the numbers that are listed below. If you Read more

Yangshuo Day 05 – Moon Hill

Moon Hill (Mandarin: 月亮山) is a hill that has a nicely formed semicircular arch that cuts right through the middle of it. The arch is all that is left of what was once a limestone karst cave that has long since eroded. Moon Cave lies a few kilometres south of the town of Yangshuo and only requires a very short and easy hike to get to. The accessibility of the hill and its iconic status makes it a very popular attraction with Read more