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Murchison River Gorge - Day 2

It must have rained throughout the night as the air felt moisture-laden as we packed up camp that morning. After a while, the sun peaked out from the clouds and the warm rays seemed to sweep away any residue of the lingering morning dew that was left. It didn't take long for the remaining clouds to dissipate, leaving a clear azure sky in their wake, perfectly reflected in the mirror-like water of the still river Read more

Computer controlled OTA and DSLR

I obtained a Rich-Field Refractor with an aperture of 150mm and a focal length of 750mm along with a iOptron MiniTower mount that wasn't in what you would call 'perfect working condition' some time ago and this post documents how I went about restoring it. Issue #1 : Issues with the GoToNova hand controller that is supplied with the MiniTower. Red backlight on the screen remains on but the information that is Read more