Murchison River Gorge - Day 1
Murchison River Gorge Index
Rock-strewn fields
The first thing I noticed were the ubiquitous red boulders that surrounded me, some that were so large that I caught myself looking for climbing lines. No matter how large these boulders were however, they were still just tiny, almost insignificant, parts of the huge rock-strewn fields that seemed endless. As we walked around and occasionally hopped over the rocks, avoiding the scattered algae-filled pools, we were able to settle down to a nice, slow, relaxed pace - a pace that gave us the time to appreciate the unique terrain, almost moonscape-like, whilst basking in the warmth of the sun.

The Campsite
Soon after, we arrived at a point on the riverbank that was abundant with River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). The branches of the River Reds were wide and solid, the grass around the area was lush, the ground was flat, and the weather was pleasant - all the ingredients for a nice, cosy campsite. I sat down for a while after I had strung up my Hennessy Hammock, and took in the sights and the sounds. It was warm despite the breeze that whistled by, leaving the branches swaying and the leaves rustling. The breeze also left ripples sliding across the river, patterns being cast to the symphony of the wind.

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