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Tag: C2C


Cape to Cape Day 02 – Yallingup to Moses Rock

The sky was bleak and overcast as we left Camp Duckworth that morning, with squalls occasionally whipping through the area. As the three of us carried on walking south, I couldn't help but stare at the huge ominous clouds that seemed to be looming in across the ocean from the west. We passed a junction in the trail about a kilometre in and right after that, we stumbled upon 'The Rabbits' carpark that was located on Read more

Cape to Cape Day 01 – Cape Naturaliste to Yallingup

The three of us set off along the Cape to Cape track as soon as we reached the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse. In hindsight, I regret not taking some time to explore the lighthouse itself considering that it is a landmark and an integral part, as a start or end point, of the Cape to Cape track.The beginning of the trail was very easy to locate as the sign posts were very clear and very prominent. We set off down the Read more

Cape to Cape Track

The Cape to Cape Track is a 135-km-long trail that runs north-south along the west coast of the peninsula between Cape Naturaliste in the north, and Cape Leeuwin in the south. The trail itself mostly follows sweeping, windswept limestone ridges and long stretches of seemingly untouched, pristine beaches. It does, however, occasionally mix it up by looping inland through woodland and gorgeous karri forests Read more