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Archive for December 2012


Tabur West

We finally set off for the Tabur West hike after the trip having been postponed from the weekend before. Bukit Tabur is a quartz ridge, that is also known as 'The Dragon Backbone', located at Taman Melawati in Kuala Lumpur. It is apparently the longest quartz outcrop in the world that boasts a wide range of flora and fauna, including Dusky Langurs (Trachypithecus obscurus). I didn't actually see any langurs during Read more

Personal Emergency Preparedness

Recently I have been wondering what my chances of survival would be if I was thrown unprepared in a survival scenario. These scenarios could be as varied as a boat sinking in the middle of the Pacific, a helicopter crashing over a dense tropical forest, hanging one-handed from a small ledge off a sheer cliff thousands of meters high, or even a nuclear fallout. I haven't been completely satisfied with the odds Read more