Langkawi's Giants
Mount Mat Chinchang (Continued)
The Mount Mat Chinchang trail is a little different from the usual trails that you will find around Malaysia, as there are a lot more rocks and boulders strewn about. The trail can sometimes even seem to be a veritable battleground between the rocks and the ubiquitous roots. Approximately 2.7 kilometres from the carpark, there is a sign the says 'U-Turn' which recommends that hikers that pass be accompanied by guides. The trail from this point does get a little tougher, steeper and narrower, and at times can be a little overgrown. There are also sections that skirt the sides of a cliff and pass through areas of scree. Navigation is a breeze, however, as the guide ropes that run parallel to the trail go all the way to the peak. As you begin to ascend above and over the forest canopy, you may notice a change of vegetation from trees to shrubbery. Rocks and boulders begin to dominate the area, whilst gaps appear periodically in the foliage and offer glimpses of the surrounding hills and the jagged ridge of the Machinchang Formation.