ACT Day 01 - Ngadi to Srichaur
The Road
After this, we somehow ended up at a long suspension bridge that was way above the raging Marsyangdi river. At first, I figured that the bridge had to be the first bridge that was marked on the map, but in hindsight, it turned out to be a bridge that was located before the 'first' bridge, and that was not marked on the map. We had taken a wrong turn somewhere just up the hill not too far back, but we knew that the bridge would lead to the road and that the road would in turn lead to the next hamlet. So instead of turning back, we continued across the bridge and climbed the fern-fringed stone stairwell, up to the muddy road that lay directly above us.
One of the many, many waterfalls
The road was wide and extremely muddy, so we were left rather uninspired. I found that setting my sights on the river below or on the hills and waterfalls beyond helped make things more interesting. The good thing was that it was low season and that the road traffic was minimal; perhaps only four vehicles and several tractors passed by us in the entire two hours of walking on the road. We reached the hamlet of Rambazar fifteen minutes after the bridge, and Syange

elevation : 1100 m) another hour and a half after that.
Right after Syange, we came upon some red and white NATT trail markers on the left shoulder of the road that pointed the way to a trailhead just beyond. The trail was extremely overgrown and consisted of mainly scree with occasional boulders. We continued along it for a while and became quite scratched up from all the branches and plants that had encroached upon the path, so decided to turn back and to just follow the road lest we get stuck on the trail in the dwindling light. We joined the road once again and made our way to Srichaur

elevation : 1100 m), which turned out to only be 20 minutes or so up the road from Syange. By the time we reached the village, we could not wait to refresh ourselves with a cold shower and a delicious meal of dhal bhat (
Beautifully vibrant paddy fields
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