Update: Suunto Movescount
Movescount, Suunto's popular web platform, has been given a completely new look today, a face-lift that I feel has been long overdue. The Movescount interface has remained relatively unchanged since I started using Suunto devices four years ago, and the interface has become ingrained into my consciousness considering all training data of all Suunto devices (except for their dive computers as they go through the
Suunto DM5 software) has to be stored on this web platform.
The new interface of Suunto Movescount
The most interesting feature that seems to have been added is the heat map. This can be accessed by clicking on the middle "map" tab at the top of the page and then selecting "heatmap" in the menu on the top left. The heatmap option shows you the most popular routes that have been taken for each type of sport, the darker the colour the more frequently that route is taken. Unfortunately, not all activities have this option, which is a bit of a shame as this option would allow others to discover new routes in the area. I personally would have been drawn to the trekking and hiking routes but since this version has just been rolled out, perhaps other activities may be added later? I can only hope...
In the meantime, why not go have a look for yourself?
The new Suunto Movescount Heatmap