Tok Nenek, Bubu, Yong Yap (TNBYY) – Day 3
Descent to Agas Camp

Once the usual and always entertaining euphoric antics were over and done with, the group proceeded to descend back down to 'Simpang Yong Yap' . The group descended in such close proximity that at points it became annoying and even potentially dangerous. After a descent of 219m which took us half an hour, we reached the junction where we each donned our own backpacks that were left there prior to the ascent.
Lesly began to have difficulty as we made our descent down the mountain. His open-toed sandals that he had acquired in Indonesia, the mud and the steep declines made for a very bad combination. Lesly did however manage to obtain my cross-trainers that I had brought along for river crossings and wearing around camp when we stopped to regroup at another 'Last Water Point' (albeit this LWP was for those who were heading up to the peak of Yong Yap in the opposite direction). The change of footwear seemed to help him immensely.
As night fell we ended up trudging through multiple rivers (I ended up counting 15) by torch light. The sand that ended up in my boots did become an annoyance however as the blister that I had acquired from a game of futsal several days prior to the trip had grown into a monster of a blister that had a tendency to retain within it any particle of sand that passed by. What was a mere annoyance at the beginning ended up causing actual pain later on and this and the lack of energy left me off balance and grasping clumsily for support on many an occasion.
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I was quite relieved to reach Agas Camp as where there is a camp, there is food! What was completely unexpected however was the fact that our guide K, had cooked some rice beforehand in anticipation of my arrival. A little sprinkle of peanuts and fried anchovies gave the pot of rice a little taste and a bunch of us dug in. I ended up finishing the pot of rice which, although completely bland and not entirely satiating, gave immense relief. After setting up my hammock and bathing in the freezing river water, we all gathered for dinner before heading off for some well deserved rest.