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Author: Ramon Fadli

"Ramon is a hiker, climber, and diver who loves to get off the beaten path. His website is a combination of his drive to explore and his passion to capture and share what he sees. Ramon is a bit of a minimalist and is currently torn between his yearning to travel the world and his need to decrease his carbon footprint. Read more here."

Yangshuo Day 01 & 02 – Treasure Cave

Yangshuo (Mandarin: 阳朔) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is well-known for the thousands of karst peaks that seem to have suddenly erupted from the flat plains that surround them. Unique karst landscapes like this are produced when soluble rocks (200 million-year-old limestone in this case) are dissolved by the carbonic acid that is present in rainfall. Normally, just caverns and fissures are produced Read more

Berkelah Waterfall

Berkelah Waterfall is one of the most popular waterfalls in Malaysia. The impressive series of multiple cascades that you can find there and its accessibility make it easy to see why that is so. Unfortunately, one is reminded very quickly that with throngs of people comes mounds of rubbish. Before we go on, please jot down the numbers that are listed below. If you do see any suspicious behaviour when out hiking Read more

Chemerong Waterfall

Reputed to tower upwards of 300 metres is the mighty Chemerong Waterfall, located in the Pasir Raja Forest Reserve in Dungun, Terengganu. The waterfall lies at the trail head for the Chemerong-Berembun-Langsir (CBL) hike, which is located fairly close to the main entrance of the Chemerong Forest Reserve. A short, hour-long hike from there will bring you to the base of the waterfall. Before we go on, please jot Read more

Ijen Crater

It was still very early in the morning when I clambered into the sweltering bus that was heading to Banyuwangi from the Ubung bus terminal in Bali. Still bleary-eyed from the lack of sleep, I paid the IDR850k for the bus ticket - a rate that seems to have been standardised amongst all the bus services, and included the cost of the ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang - and squeezed my way through the narrow rows trying Read more

Western Arthur Range Campsites

The campsites that can be found in and along the Western Arthur Range tend to be fairly limited in their size and maximum capacity. Despite this, hikers are still encouraged to restrict their camping to only the designated campsites in order to limit the impact to the environment and to prevent the formation of other new sites. The campsites can be divided into two general categories - those that have been hardened Read more

Western Arthurs Day 10 : To Wullyawa Creek

Today was going to be a long day. We had 20 kilometres to cover, a distance that was definitely manageable, but was considered long compared to the average daily distances that we had covered over the previous week. I was already a little weary by then but the fact that the walk was mainly downhill made me feel a lot better about the task up ahead. We started off early and after packing up camp, we made our way Read more