Author: Ramon Fadli
"Ramon is a hiker, climber, and diver who loves to get off the beaten path. His website is a combination of his drive to explore and his passion to capture and share what he sees. Ramon is a bit of a minimalist and is currently torn between his yearning to travel the world and his need to decrease his carbon footprint. Read more here."
March 15, 2015
Posted by Ramon in Australia, Camping, Class 8, Hiking, IUCN Protected Category 2, Lakes, Looped Hike, Multiday Hike, National Parks, Oceanic, Peak Labels, Ridges, Tasmania, Temperate Deciduous Forests, UNESCO
Western Arthur Range
The Western Arthur Range lies in South-West National park, in south-west Tasmania, and is one of the most dramatic mountain ridges in the whole of Australia. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its glaciated landscapes, jagged quartzite crags, spectacular lakes (approximately 30 of them, and along with the peaks and ridges, were named after celestial objects), unpredictable and violent Read more0
August 25, 2014
Posted by Ramon in Australia, Climbing, IUCN Protected Category 2, Mediterranean, National Parks, Sclerophyll & Mediterranean Forests, Western Australia
Topo: Mountain Quarry
Mountain Quarry is located in Greenmount National Park and is one of the most well-developed outdoor sports climbing crags within Perth's vicinity. There are numerous bolted routes spread out over several walls. There are also a few trad routes located here. There is a combination-locked gate that leads from the carpark into the quarry. The code for the combination lock can be obtained from the Department of Read more0
Murchison River Gorge - Day 6
The group set off at 08:30 the next morning, heading northwards and crossing the river back and forth by hopping across rock fields. On one occasion (approximately 2 kilometres in), we had to trackback a little and rock hop across to a small peninsular in the middle of the river. The bush became very dense here and we were forced to bush bash for a while trying to find a point where the rocks continued to the other Read more0
Murchison River Gorge - Day 5
The group had decided to split into two groups of two to tackle this particular section of the gorge - one group was to continue along the Z-Bend section of the gorge with floatpacks (as there was no way to continue walking along the ledges along this section), whereas the other group was to walk to the next food drop and rejoin the other two at 4-Ways. I decided to take the 'dry route' and head inland Read more0