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Broadleaf Rainforests


Tok Nenek, Bubu, Yong Yap (TNBYY) – Day 3

I woke up fairly early as the camp slowly came to life and managed to get my hammock packed up and stored away well before dawn. As the sun rose everyone set about either clearing or cooking breakfast and contributing somehow, preparing for the day of trekking that lay ahead. We were all aware that after the Yong Yap peak it would basically be almost entirely downhill from there on so we had both one of the Read more

Tok Nenek, Bubu, Yong Yap (TNBYY) - Day 2

The comfort of the hammock had allowed me to get some decent sleep the night before, so I awoke that morning feeling reinvigorated. The upcoming trek also gave me a lot to look forward to since the group was unable to make the peak the day before like was planned so were to instead head up to the summit of Mount Tok Nenek, then head down and back up to the summit of Mount Bubu all in the same day Read more

Tok Nenek, Bubu, Yong Yap (TNBYY) - Day 1

The original plan was to depart from KL Central at 20:00 but there were a few trekkers coming up from Johor to join as well and were only expected to arrive around 23:00. As such, and after meeting up with my brother, we made our way to Kajang instead as the departure was to be from the DATS store much later on. The convoy itself arrived at the Gua Musang Police Station around dawn the next day where Read more

Tok Nenek, Bubu, Yong Yap (TNBYY)

The loop that is known as YYBTN (Yong Yap, Bubu, Tok Nenek) or TNBYY if hiked clockwise, takes 3-4 days and covers three major peaks. One of the peaks is Mount Yong Yap (elevation: 2168 m), the 11th highest point in Malaysia and the 6th in Peninsular Malaysia. The loop has a wide variety of terrain, including tricky bamboo sections, multiple ascents and descents, as well as numerous river crossings. The peak Read more

Zombie Run Malaysia 2013

"The night is darker than usual. A lone man is walking near the remains of a shopping mall previously known as One Utama. Even the moon is sallow, the colour of a week old corpse. It illuminates 5 people walking down the deserted street. They’ve heard rumours that this part of town is infected. They should be afraid but they’ve swallowed some pills and are feeling euphoric, invincible. Ahead is the Bukit Utama Park Read more

Tabur West

We finally set off for the Tabur West hike after the trip having been postponed from the weekend before. Bukit Tabur is a quartz ridge, that is also known as 'The Dragon Backbone', located at Taman Melawati in Kuala Lumpur. It is apparently the longest quartz outcrop in the world that boasts a wide range of flora and fauna, including Dusky Langurs (Trachypithecus obscurus). I didn't actually see any langurs during Read more