Cape to Cape Day 06 – Deepdene to Cape Leeuwin
Cape Leeuwin
I carried on along the track 20 minutes later feeling satiated after having whipped out my
Jetboil Zip to cook up a quick, hot meal of couscous. By this point, I was only 2 kilometres away from the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse and the trail still seemed a little bland and fairly unremarkable.

I crossed a
road that lead back to Skippy Rock Road at the 1.3 km mark and came upon the visitors book station shortly after. The trail dropped back down to the beach with less than a kilometre to go, a beach that was rocky but fairly flat and easy to traverse. I made my way round the bay under interesting limestone formations, stepping carefully over and around rotting kelp, before reaching the staircase that lead back up to the carpark, the road, and people.
It hit me there and then that this was it.. I had reached the end and all I wanted to do then was to just turn around and go back to where I had just come from.
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