EBC Day 03 - Boudhanath & Pashupatinath
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Back to Thamel
The cycle back to Thamel was enjoyable as the traffic seemed to have eased considerably. The distance was 6.9 km but seemed much shorter at the time. This time I actually caught sight of another tourist on a bicycle and we traded nods of acknowledgement (or was it encouragement?) as we passed each other, just before a military convoy whizzed past waving everyone aside.

Sophie, a friend of mine from Malaysia, had advised me earlier that she would also be in Nepal and had given me the rough time when she was expected to arrive. Before meeting up with her I decided to get something to eat and so ended up spending NPR215 for more momos and some fried rice at the pleasant 'Newa Mo:mo Restaurant'.
I met up with Sophie shortly after, who was exhilarated to see a familiar face and she went on to introduce me to her group of friends (Mazlim, Razlan, Hayati, Jasni, and their guide Binod). They invited me to join them for dinner but since it was getting fairly late, I figured that I would have to return the mountain bike first. Finding the shop after dusk proved far more troubesome than I had anticipated as things looked different with the change of lighting and the little shop was hidden in a little alley well out of sight from the road. Just when I was starting to get desperate (as seems to always be the case), I came across the narrow alley. I was due to fly out to Lukla the next morning and they were still in possession of my passport so finding the shop was an immense relief.The restaurant that the group had decided to meet in was more opulent than what I was accustomed to, so after having a drink that cost NPR435 and after a brief discussion about the flight which was scheduled for 09:30 the next day, I left to do some last minute shopping. I ended up spending NPR6000 on a -20 degrees rated goose down sleeping bag as well as a water canister, before retiring for the night.
Day 3 Expenditure