June 12, 2016
Posted by Ramon Fadli in Broadleaf Rainforests, Budget, Caves, China, Climbing, Cycling, Guangxi, Humid Subtropical, Karsts, UNESCO
Yangshuo Day 01 & 02 – Treasure Cave
Treasure Cave
We walked back towards the Treasure Cave and made our approach to the crag at the bottom of the slope below the cave itself. Most of the routes around the stairwell were graded from 6a+ to 6b, although there were some very easy ones, as low as 5, at the base of the staiwell. The problem was all of the routes were completely soaked. We climbed up the stairs and entered the gate, eager to at least attempt a few of the easier routes, but were ultimately forced to bail because they were all simply too slick. Apparently the moisture can sometimes blow into the cave when the rain is very heavy. Some of the ceiling routes looked like they would have been an absolute joy to climb, but all we could do at the time was to head back down to our bicycles.

I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained

Suunto Movescount Stats
Day 1 & 2 Expenditure