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Author: Ramon Fadli

"Ramon is a hiker, climber, and diver who loves to get off the beaten path. His website is a combination of his drive to explore and his passion to capture and share what he sees. Ramon is a bit of a minimalist and is currently torn between his yearning to travel the world and his need to decrease his carbon footprint. Read more here."

Western Arthurs Day 9 : To Lake Rosanne

I awoke with a start and realised very quickly that the drumming of the rain had stopped and that a heavy silence had blanketed us. It was still dark outside as it was well before dawn, but since the storm had passed, I decided to crawl out of my sleeping bag to stretch my legs and to get some much needed fresh air. As I emerged from my tent, I was greeted by a sky that was blazing with stars. The storm had moved Read more

Western Arthurs Day 7 : To Promontory Lake

It was dawn of the seventh day and breaking camp had become an established routine - a change clothes, coffee, a visit the privy, and some breakfast, before replenishing my water supply and packing my bag. Once I was ready to set off, I made my way along the trail and continued up the hill for approximately 100 metres eastwards towards the viewpoint that was located on the saddle. I turned left here to continue Read more

Western Arthurs Day 6 : The Beggary Bumps

We set off from High Moor at 10:00 that day, very glad that the storm had finally subsided. After clearing camp, we walked south-eastwards along the wooden walkway, past the toilet, and began the short climb onto the ridge above us. When we reached the top, we were greeted by spectacular views of the lakes as the ridge ran above and between the two lakes of Lake Saturn and Lake Ganymede, with the Read more

Western Arthurs Day 4 : To High Moor

We left the Lake Oberon campsite at 09:00 the next morning, still completely oblivious to the hidden beauty that surrounded us. We made our way back up the junction towards the base of Mt. Orion (elevation : 1151m), but took the path on the right that snaked up and around the lake instead. The path continued along the ridge, then dropped down once again past a smaller tarn on the upper tier and to the flat Read more

Western Arthurs Day 3 : To Lake Oberon

The original plan had us pushing past Lake Cygnus and on to Lake Oberon on the same day but the inclement weather that had suddenly rolled in had forced us to stop at the Lake Cygnus campsite instead. We ended up taking our sweet time getting ready that morning, knowing that we only had about half a day of hiking ahead of us, and set off around 10:00, unperturbed despite the weather still remaining gloomy Read more

Western Arthurs Day 2 : To Lake Cygnus

We left Junction Creek at 09:00 the next morning and turned right along the Port Davey track at the junction that lay just to the south of the camp. The soft and diffused sunlight that morning was very pleasant, but the trail still remained very muddy. It lead to another river crossing approximately a kilometre in, before leading to elevated wooden platforms that lined the track as it crossed the muddy, flat Read more