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Tropical Rainforest


Mount Stong, Mount Ayam, and Mount Baha

The group had split with Taner, Jenna and I eager to hike to the three peaks whilst the others decided to stay behind and explore the waterfalls. By the time the three of us set off from Baha Camp it was already 10:26. We made our way to the crossroads that lay just outside the campsite quickly to avoid any guides that may still be lingering around the camp just in case they tried to prevent us from heading up to the Read more

Baha's Camp

Baha's Camp lies near the top of the (apparently) 270-metres-high seven-tiered Stong Waterfall, making it one of the tallest waterfalls in Peninsular Malaysia, that is located in the 21,950 hectare 'Gunung Stong State Park' (formerly known as Jelawang Forest). The camp serves as a launching point for trips up to the higher levels of the waterfall as well as for treks to the multitude of peaks that one can find in the Read more

Tabur X (Extreme)

Tabur Extreme is the one of the higher points along the quartz dike known as Bukit Tabur. The nearly 14km long dike has a few sections that are accessible to trekkers that range from the easier and more popular Tabur West and Tabur East that lie closer to the Klang Gates Dam in Taman Melawati to the slightly tougher Tabur Far East and Tabur Extreme that lie closer to the National Zoo. Before we go on, please jot Read more

Tabur East Sunrise

This trek was another of a series of sunrise treks that were undertaken in the wee hours of the morning. By the time we parked the car and located the huge twin pipes that we needed to follow, it was already 05:10. The pipes can either be located from the end of the Jalan Kolam Air road or from the road that leads to the Klang Gates Dam where trekkers park there car for the Tabur West trek (marked 'A' in the map Read more

Mount Irau

The renowned Mount Irau is the highest mountain in Cameron Highlands, and with an elevation of 2110 m makes it just slightly higher than Mount Brinchang. It is the 15th highest mountain in Malaysia and lies on the border between the states of Perak and Pahang. Before we go on, please jot down the numbers that are listed below. If you do see any suspicious behaviour when out hiking, encounter things like Read more

Mount Brinchang

After Mount Irau (elevation : 2110 m), Mount Brinchang (elevation : 2031 m) is the second highest mountain in Cameron Highlands. It is one of the most popular treks in the area as it is easily accessible by what is considered the highest road in Malaysia. Before we go on, please jot down the numbers that are listed below. If you do see any suspicious behaviour when out hiking, encounter things like traps and snares, or Read more