Cape to Cape Day 03 – Moses Rock to Ellensbrook

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The trail brought me to the historical homestead of Ellensbrook (the local Nyoongar name for the area is 'Mokidup') that was built in the 1850s. The building was charming in itself but the lawns that surrounded it were manicured and seemed completely artificial, stirring strong feelings of aversion within me. I carried on walking along the trail called the 'Meekadarribee trail' that lead to the waterfall that had a sad tale to tell. The path there ran parallel to a whispering stream, and completely surrounding me was the lush, living and breathing forest - the only word that came to mind then was the German word 'waldeinsamkeit', or 'forest solitude'.

I carried on down the trail completely engrossed with my surroundings, when I thought I caught sight of a small shed from the corner of my eye. The shed turned out to be the outhouse and rain-catchment tank that belonged to Ellensbrook Campsite, the discovery of which, brought an end to the day's hike.

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