Western Arthur Range Campsites
Western Arthur Range Campsites
The campsites that can be found in and along the Western Arthur Range tend to be fairly limited in their size and maximum capacity. Despite this, hikers are still encouraged to restrict their camping to only the designated campsites in order to limit the impact to the environment and to prevent the formation of other new sites.
The campsites can be divided into two general categories - those that have been 'hardened' and those that have not. The ones that have been 'hardened' are campsites that are frequented more often, and that have had wooden platforms built to both increase the robustness of the site and to increase the comfort of those who camp there. These platforms are also raised and thus limit the damage done to the vegetation. A modular toilet that contains the waste within and can be periodically flown in and out by helicopter is also located at each of these campsites. None of the other campsites have these wooden platforms or toilet facilities, they vary greatly in size, and can occasionally be muddy underfoot.

The recommended campsites are (running anticlockwise): Junction Creek ('hardened' but has no wooden platforms), Lake Cygnus ('hardened'), Lake Oberon ('hardened'), High Moor ('hardened'), Haven Lake ('hardened'), Promontory Lake, Lake Rosanne, Cracroft Crossing ('hardened'), and Seven Mile Creek. There are a few other campsites located at the base of Moraine A, Square Lake, Lake Sirona, Lake Vesta, and Lake Juno but they seem to be very limited (for example, Moraine A camp seems to only be able to fit one or two tents) and are probably only useful for very small groups or for emergencies.