Cape to Cape Day 02 – Yallingup to Moses Rock
Fields of Boulders
Just after we hit the 20 km mark, we encountered a section of relatively severe hills, which ended by joining a small road that once again (unsurprisingly) lead down to another beach. This section of the beach was a little different from the previous ones that we had encountered - although the sand was still soft enough to swallow our feet, there were stones and boulders of various shapes and sizes strewn around everywhere. There were a lot of shells that were also scattered around with countless crabs scuttling across bird tracks and green filament-like algae.

I found the landscape here pretty mesmerising and the antics of the scuttling crabs fairly entertaining, so was a little disappointed to find that this section of the beach ended abruptly and began to veer back inland. It began to drizzle once again as we struggled up the steep and strenuous sandy path
that lead to the two Moses Rock lookouts. After meandering through more shrubbery, we came upon the
Moses Rock campsite shortly after. It was a good thing too as the 28 km that we had covered that day seemed to have taken its toll on the other two. At that point I just hoped that a good night's rest would do everyone a bit of good!
The viviparous, blue-tongued, South-west shingleback lizard (Tiliqua rugosa rugosa)
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