Cape to Cape Day 04 – Ellensbrook to Conto's
Cape to Cape Index
Margaret River
As I came upon the mouth of Margaret River, I realised that my prior concerns had been completely unfounded. The crossing turned out to be just a long sandbar, a stretch of sand that was easily traversed. I climbed up the stairway on the other end that merged on to Rivermouth Road and walked along the narrow trail that lead up the hill on the left side of the road (following the sign that said 'Pedestrians').

Boodjidup Brook
There was a noticeable spring in my steps as I descended the hundreds of log steps down to Boodjidup Bridge, my pace quickening, excited by the lush greenery at the bottom. The clearing around the bridge was gorgeous - soft, lush green grass everywhere, shaded by the branches of the trees as they stretched upwards towards the sky - and would have made a perfect campsite. The water in the brook however, was stagnant, murky and turbid.