Cape to Cape Day 04 – Ellensbrook to Conto's
Cape to Cape Index
Redgate Beach
As I made my way out of the gully from Boodjidup Bridge, I saw a fairly large grey snake (Suborder: Serpentes) slither off the track and into the tall grass that lined the trail. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to identify it, so the species will just have to remain a mystery. Snakes are very sensitive to vibrations and can sense animals (and humans) approaching by detecting the faint vibrations that travel through the air and the ground. The chances of surprising them had greatly increased now that I was traveling alone, so I reminded myself to remain vigilant. The trail meandered (whilst remaining parallel to the brook) before dipping down to the sandy beach once again. The strong headwind that greeted me there was strong enough to be refreshing but fortunately not strong enough to render any sand airborne. I whipped off my shoes hurriedly, glad to be able to walk barefoot once again. This stretch of beach turned out to be just short enough to walk in one uninterrupted stretch (4.5 km) and by the time notions of stopping for a rest started to manifest themselves, the granulite boulders that marked the end of Redgate beach were already upon me.