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Krabi Day 09 & 10 - Thaiwand Wall Cave & Sunset

We made our way back to the Thaiwand Wall Cave with the specific intent to climb up to the mouth of the cave, haul everything up, and then descend through the cave to the other side. This was something that we had planned to do on the previous trip to Thaiwand Wall but had unfortunately run out of daylight. The cave itself can be accessed from either end although the cave opening on the Thaiwand Wall Read more

Krabi Day 07 & 08 - Railay Lagoon & Phi Phi Island

I woke up pretty early that day, so after purchasing two cans of Birdee robusta coffee, I made my way over to West Railay to pass the time. There are several ways to get across with most of them passing through alleys and paths until they merge with Walking Street. They are used quite frequently by both tourists and the locals alike and almost everyone can direct you if you have any uncertainties. The trees in Read more

Krabi Day 05 & 06 - Kayaking & Thaiwand Wall

I made my way to Railay West after having purchased my two cans of daily Birdie robusta coffee (THB20 each) with Cass and Jamie who were both eager to kayak having missed out the chance the year before. The weather was overcast with barely any sun visible which in my opinion is perfect for a day of kayaking since being in a kayak leaves one so exposed. The rates for kayak rental were THB200 for the first hour Read more

Krabi Day 03 & 04 - Muay Thai Wall & Songkran

After my compulsory dose of caffeine (THB20 for each can of Birdy robusta coffee), we made our way towards the pathway that takes one to Phra Nang beach but turned left at the end instead to the climbing walls of 'Muay Thai' and '123'. It was high tide at the time however which meant that the '123' wall was not accessible, so we instead walked up the short incline to 'Muay Thai' instead. We found the area to be fairly Read more

Krabi Day 01 & 02 - Ao Nang & Phra Nang

The return airfare for this adventure trip - so called as it involves a myriad of different outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, snorkeling and (potentially) scuba diving – had only amounted to a meagre sum of MYR161 (THB1600) as the airfare had been purchased during one of Air Asia's wonderful promotions sometime last year. The total cost was also kept low as no baggage allowance had been Read more