Western Arthurs Day 9 : To Lake Rosanne
Western Arthur Range Index
The Pheonix
It took us an hour and a half to reach the peak of the Pheonix from the Promontory Lake campsite, following the trickle of a small stream up to the peak. We stopped there for a moment admiring the views and spotted the prominent, jagged peak of Federation Peak floating over on the south-eastern horizon. From the summit, we descended down to the saddle in-between the Pheonix and Centaurus ridge, before heading east to climb up and onto the almost 3 kilometre-long ridge itself. When we got up onto the ridge, we caught sight of a large, grey, barren patch along the spine of one of the off-shoot ridges that ran southwards. I figured then that such destruction could only be the result of the invasive pathogen, dieback disease (Phytophthora cinnamomi), but in hindsight realised that it could also have been caused by a recent fire.

West Portal
The trail continued eastwards with a long, gradual climb up the open ridge, with the occasional climb up and around, in and out, and down all manner of crags, boulders, and pinnacles. We were used to a constant change by then, the range giving us different problems and obstacles, never letting us get complacent or bored. This ridge however seemed almost endless. We eventually reached the junction on the west side of West Portal (elevation : 1181 m) and swung around to the left to follow it northwards on to the Crags of Andromeda.